Friday, January 30, 2009

Contest Work - Early Days

Got my kits; Roden Dr.1 and 2 Eduard Ni.17s.

I'm going to mark the Dr.1 in the controversial, but exciting markings of #586/17. I'll be masking the candy stripes and making my own decals for the "LO" on the fuselage. The national insignia will come from the kit.

For the Ni17s, one will be an Italian one (don't know which one yet), and one will be Guyenmeyer's #1531. Not particularly exciting, apart from the Italian paint job, but a good chance to try subtle weathering.

I'll choose one of the Nieuports as the contest entry later.

I've sprayed them with primer, and painted and weathered the insides. Ready to close them up now.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Masking Test.

Still waiting for kits to arrive. UPS usually come in the afternoon, so I decided to do a wee test, based on a recent thread on the WW1 mailing list.

I wanted to test how I like using either Tamiya making tape, Frisket film and general Scotch low tack painters tape.

I have prepared a spare wing. Tamiya primer, 2 coats of sky blue, 1 coat of Future. All coats left to dry thoroughly before the test started.

I stuck on a complete mask from Frisket on 1 side, and 2 strips each of Tamiya, Scotch and Frisket on the other.

I then sprayed a coat of red, thinned with Future. I waited for it to dry then sprayed a second coat. I then waited 30 minutes till the paint was dry(ish) then removed the masks. Here are the results.

As you can see, the whole wing mask suffered from a lot of bleed. I may not have put enough pressure on the frisket.

Each if the strips did OK. Again a little bleed on the frisket, but with careful pressure that might be solved. No real difference between Tamiya and Scotch, apart from the price! All 3 leaving a noticable edge!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Almost Ready

The decals arrived at the weekend. They look OK. I'm a little unsure if they printed as they were supposed to. We'll see.

The kits finally arrived in Phoenix, at 6:45 last night, just as we were settling down to our Burns Supper. mmm... haggis.

Still on schedule for delivery tomorrow.

I need to get on with my frisket test, this evening. 3 options; cut out the whole wing pattern and tape it on. Just do strips of frisket, or use Tamiya tape cut in strips.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Boxes almost done

Added a coat of Shellac to the boxes. That's supposed to keep the labels on, but I'm not so sure about that.

My kits are in Lenexa, KS. They are on schedule for a Jan 27th delivery. No word of my decals yet.

But My Over the Front calendar arrived. Looks great. I like the Nieuport 17s on the January page. The nearest one looks worth doing, but I can't see the complete markings...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ammunition boxes coming along, kits in mail

I have the boxes stained and labeled now. I added the dovetail joints as well. Once the glue dries I'll give them a coat or two of shellac.

My contest kits are in the mail from Roll Models. Maybe my decals will arrive from MisterkitUSA today.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Waiting for Models.

My contest orders haven't arrived yet.

Tbf, there was a 3 day weekend without mail.

Busying myself building ammunition boxes.

I have 3 built and stained, and I added the rope handles yesterday.

I aged some printer paper and printed out the labels. FIL will rout out the flanges on the tops this weekend, then I can stain them, screw them on and add the labels. Then shellac the whole box.

Labels and instructions from Tommy's Pack Fillers.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The People Have Spoken!

OK. Polls closed, Here are the results:

Friday, January 9, 2009

WW1 list contest poll.

Vote here for the kit we'll all be doing.

What kit to build for Contest?
Fokker Dr.I (Any)
Fokker Dr.I (Eduard)
Albatros D.Va
Nieuport Ni-17 free polls

Poll closes 09:45am Arizona time, Jan. 10th 2009.