Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Masking Test.

Still waiting for kits to arrive. UPS usually come in the afternoon, so I decided to do a wee test, based on a recent thread on the WW1 mailing list.

I wanted to test how I like using either Tamiya making tape, Frisket film and general Scotch low tack painters tape.

I have prepared a spare wing. Tamiya primer, 2 coats of sky blue, 1 coat of Future. All coats left to dry thoroughly before the test started.

I stuck on a complete mask from Frisket on 1 side, and 2 strips each of Tamiya, Scotch and Frisket on the other.

I then sprayed a coat of red, thinned with Future. I waited for it to dry then sprayed a second coat. I then waited 30 minutes till the paint was dry(ish) then removed the masks. Here are the results.

As you can see, the whole wing mask suffered from a lot of bleed. I may not have put enough pressure on the frisket.

Each if the strips did OK. Again a little bleed on the frisket, but with careful pressure that might be solved. No real difference between Tamiya and Scotch, apart from the price! All 3 leaving a noticable edge!

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